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Empowering Every Learner 

Integrating Whole Child Data into MTSS

School districts seeing the greatest success with MTSS consider the whole child. 

Integrating data from cognitive, academic and social-emotional or behavioral measures gives us the best chance of helping every student reach their potential. Student data becomes much more powerful with an integrated view.

Join us to hear about the research that supports integrating whole child measures when considering interventions, and how one school district has managed this in action.  

Craig Velleux, Data Specialist at Salem School District in Wisconsin will share how during the Fall of 2023, Salem, WI schools implemented MindPrint Learning’s cognitive skill data to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in areas such as complex reasoning, memory, executive functions and processing speed. Salem then integrated MindPrint's data with their other assessment data in Otus to provide a comprehensive view of each student's learning profile.

By analyzing students' cognitive skills, Salem School District identified areas where students have the greatest potential for growth and provided targeted learning strategies and tailored instruction to support every student’s development.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 

12:30pm PT / 3:30pm ET

Research shows that 50% of the variability in student achievement and growth can be directly attributed to cognitive skills rather than strictly academic data.

Join us to learn how schools can:

  • Easily identify every student’s cognitive strengths
  • Integrate cognitive skills data with high-stakes achievement data to uncover high-impact opportunities
  • Combine all measures in a single platform to better understand the whole child
  • Consider fewer pieces of data that have a greater impact on student outcomes 
criag velleux-3

Craig Velleux

Data Specialist

Salem School District, WI

Greg King HS

Greg King, Ph.D.

Director of Research

MindPrint Learning


Hillary Kleppel

Community Manager
MP brain

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